Birthing Light
Spiritual Direction with Luisely
“Whoever wishes
to find light and understanding in all truth,
must watch and observe this birth in themselves and in their ground,
and then all their faculties shall be illumined
as will their outer self.
For, as soon as God touches the ground within...
the light shines into the soul's powers so that such a person can do more than he or she [or they]
could ever be taught to do.”
Meister Eckhart

What is Spiritual Direction?
Luisely's Version
I am a midwife, as well as a spiritual director, and in both vocations I am called and invited to tend to birth.
As a midwife, the birth is of a new human life. And as a spiritual director, the birth is the birth described by Meister Eckhart above, of the relationship with the Divine incarnate in our lives.
As a midwife, I hold space for the birthing person as they birth new life into this world, paying close attention to the patterns and rhythms of labor and, humbly offering invitations to let go, when I notice any areas of resistance to the Mystery unfolding. It is a practice of deep listening.
In the same way, as a spiritual director, I hold space for the sacred being birthed in the directee's life, paying close attention to the patterns and rhythms that arise as I witness the deepening of the directee's relationship with the Divine, and I humbly offer invitations to stay with the Mystery and move through any resistance in the growing intimacy with God.
About me
My name is Luisely. While receiving my Master's of Divinity at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, CA I trained as a spiritual director. I finished my training and began accompanying people as a spiritual director in 2013. I have accompanied people as a spiritual director in correctional institutes, detention centers, retreats, shelters, churches, and in a counseling office. In May of 2020, I found myself searching for a BIPOC Spiritual Director and was surprised to find so few options, knowing that more of us were out there. Following my search, I decided to make my services accessible online, so if anyone else was in search of a Spiritual Director of color they would have one more option. I offer spiritual direction to all in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

More details about Spiritual Direction and more...
What does a session look like?
Once you've booked a session you will receive an email with a Zoom link for Spiritual Direction. The session will last an hour. Throughout that hour we will notice how the Divine is moving in and through your life. I will help notice those movements and invite you to stay with the Divine. The content of each session will vary depending on wherever God leads the session.
How frequently do we meet?
That depends on you and what you feel invited to do. The rhythm spiritual direction usually takes is meeting once a month. You may choose to schedule your next session with me at the end of our session, or simply to contact me when you are ready to meet again.
What is the goal of Spiritual Direction?
The goal is to become more intimate with God. So in spiritual direction, and between sessions, we take time to notice God's movements and invitations in your life and to notice your response to those movements and invitations. The deeper your relationship with the Divine, the deeper your relationship with yourself and with the rest of creation.
How much does a session cost?
The first session is free. During that first session, after initial introductions, we will begin a mini-session so you can experience spiritual direction with me first-hand. If, after discerning, we both feel called to continue journeying together as director and directee, the following sessions are an investment of $80.
What if I can't afford a session?
I am deeply convinced that Spiritual Direction and tending to one's soul is not a luxury, but rather a font that gives us life to courageously face whatever our reality may be. Contact me if you cannot afford a session.
Do I need to believe in God to do spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is about deepening your relationship with the Divine, so there needs to be an openness to that relationship. You do not have to use any particular vocabulary to relate, however. If you feel connected to something bigger than yourself, whether you experience that as God, another name or with no name at all, and if there is a desire to deepen that connection, then spiritual direction may be for you. Spiritual direction is not catechism or religious education, nor is it counseling, it is a safe space to notice the movements of the Sacred in your life. Click here to read the "Portrait of a Spiritual Director," from Spiritual Directors International, www.sdicompanions.org.